Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New Haircuts

I cut the boy's hair last weekend. They both cried of course but at least Cade let me finish! Quinn's is sort of a chop job. Here's some cute pics:

Cade 4/1/08


And here's the brothers goofing around:

Brothers1 4/1/08

Brothers2 4/1/08

Cade just loves giving his brother kisses! And that's no April Fool's joke!


Stacy said...

Cute! Cute! Cute boys! Hope to meet them in September! (and great job on the hair cuts!:)

Katy said...

THey are soo big. Cade is just a little mana! And HAPPY BIRHTDAY late to sweet Quinn. I thought about him and you on his b-day and nearly every day since then. :)

What a memory!!!

Unknown said...

You cut hair very well! John likes to cut Heath's hair...Cade sure looks like you and Quinn looks like your husband! They are adorable! I had so much fun at knitting last night!

minniemama68 said...

Your kids are adorable. And you really have a knack for naming them!!!! Thanks for reading my blog, hope you come back, and I'm going to put you in my reader.

Unknown said...

Hi, I happen to see the beautiful golf club covers u crocheted for ur dad in 2007. Any chance u share the patterns of the three animals-froggie,tiger & monkey. Appreciate u get back to me kokchonglai@hotmail.com